cleaning service

The rate of COVID-19's global proliferation has been frighteningly rapid, and it still is. However, the cleanliness of your home can help protect your family from illness, even if there may be many aspects of this pandemic that you have no control over.

Below are a few disinfection tips for households to sanitize your home and reduce your risk of getting sick. You can always take the help of a home disinfection service if you are having any problems doing it yourself.

Always clean and disinfect the area when anyone enters your home.

To prevent COVID-19, the CDC advises cleaning and sanitizing your home daily. In addition, when someone enters or exits your house, or anytime you bring in food, parcels, or mail, you should do this at the very least.

  • Quarantine or Disinfect Mail

Even though it's unlikely that you'll catch COVID-19 via mail, you can disinfect packages and envelopes by wiping them off. After handling mail, refrain from touching your face and eyes for safety's sake. Also, make sure you wash your hands well.

  • Target High-Touch Surfaces

You don't have to clean your home thoroughly every day. Concentrate on disinfecting and sanitizing high-touch surfaces. These consist of:

  • a doorknob
  • handles and chairs for toilets
  • tables' tops
  • stiff chairs
  • Counters in the kitchen and bathroom
  • lighting controls
  • gaming controls
  • remotes for television
  • handles for faucets and faucets

Clean and disinfect any other surfaces in your home that you or your family frequently interact with.

  • Clean, Then Disinfect

Cleaning removes any obvious surface impurities, such as trash, dust, and residue. Using a disinfectant that has received EPA approval allows you to kill germs. The majority of the top cleaning products offer either option. While disinfecting treatments must destroy viruses and bacteria, cleaning products must cut through grease and grime.

Both disinfectant wipes and sprays work well. Follow the instructions on the packaging because many disinfectants must remain on the surface until dry to be effective.

  • Make Your Own Disinfectants

Finding cleaning materials right now, including disinfecting wipes, can be difficult. So in that scenario, mix two tablespoons of household bleach with a quart of water in a spray bottle to create your disinfection.

Pour the mixture into a coffee can and place a roll of paper towels split in half inside to create wipes. Never combine bleach with other cleaning agents since you might produce harmful gas.

  • Quarantine Sick People from Others in the Home

If somebody in your house becomes ill, isolate them in a room away from the rest of the family. Make sure they wear a mask, that you wear gloves and a mask while taking care of them, and that you wash your hands after. If the sick person is not too ill, it is best to ask them to clean up after themselves in the house.

  • Disinfect Bathrooms After Every Use by a Sick Person

Give a sick individual their bathroom if at all possible. Ask the ill person who needs to use the restroom with you to clean it and disinfect the surfaces after each usage. Whoever does this should wear a mask and gloves if they cannot do it themselves. You're less likely to get the virus from surfaces if you can wait a while before disinfecting.

  • Use Gloves When Cleaning

Gloves should always be worn when performing COVID-19 disinfection. Wear disposable gloves if you can. Before putting them on and after taking them off, wash your hands. If reusable gloves are necessary, only disinfect COVID-19 with them.

  • Disinfect Your Belongings

If you use one, don't forget to clean your bag or backpack as you enter the building. It should be sufficient to clean them down with a disinfectant wipe.

  • Take Your Shoes Off Outside

Leave your shoes outside if you can to assist in taking COVID-19 into your house. Additionally, you'll prevent bringing in various types of dust, filth, trash, and chemicals.

  • Disinfect Laundry Surfaces and Hampers

You can wash your clothes as usual because the virus will be killed by hot water and soap. First, however, you must clean all surfaces that came into contact with the soiled laundry, including the hamper or laundry basket.

  • Disinfect Your Devices

Although cleaning your smartphone or tablet using a disinfectant wipe or 70% isopropyl alcohol is supposedly safe, buy a UV phone cleaner if you're concerned. Additionally, you can use it to clean other tiny objects like car keys.

After every outing, remove any plastic or rubber phone cases or other accessories, and wash them with soap and water. You can and should clean your laptop's keyboard, mouse, and other high-touch areas, but avoid using alcohol or disinfectant wipes on the screen.


You can safeguard yourself and your family as the COVID-19 issue worsens by following the above house disinfecting tips for your home with care and diligence. Then, you can work on some of those housekeeping tasks and home projects while isolating yourself to keep active. 

If you ever feel you won’t be able do it alone or if you have allergies to certain chemicals and house pollutants, you can give us a chance to disinfect and sanitize your home with care.