Mosquitoes are insects that no one wants to come into contact with since they are both bothersome and potentially hazardous due to the number of terrible diseases they carry.
Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to get away from them, especially with the upcoming damp and muggy summer. The following six are the best ways to control mosquitoes if you are sick of swatting at mosquitoes all the time but don't want to accept that you will always have to do so.
1. Watch out for water clot
Mosquitoes can't abide standing water. Therefore, if there is water collecting in your yard, you should also anticipate a lot of mosquitoes.
Here are some tips for how to control mosquitoes by minimizing standing water:
A leaky faucet can quickly produce pools near your foundation that appeal to mosquitoes wanting to lay eggs. Check to make sure your outside faucets aren't dripping or leaking. Additionally, get rid of anything in your yard that doesn't do anything other than collect water, such as buckets or flipped-over trash can lids.
To prevent water from gathering where you have canoes or children's toys, flip them over or cover them with a tarp. Also, keep the space around gutters and downspouts free to prevent water from accumulating.
Make sure to keep fresh water in any water that cannot be removed, such as a pet's water dish. Additionally, suppose there are low spots in your yard. In that case, you might want to apply wood chips, decorative mulch, rocks, or other natural materials to stop water from collecting there after the rain.
2. Use Natural Repellents
Natural repellents are among the best ways on how to control mosquitoes at home.
This may entail lighting torches or candles with citronella in the areas of your yard where you plan to assemble. Additionally, even though it isn't a natural repellent, yellow outdoor lighting can help keep mosquitoes at bay because it doesn't attract them like typical incandescent lighting.
Last but not the least, remember that mosquitoes are weak flyers and relatively light. So, when you're sitting outside on the porch, a portable fan keeps you cool and keeps them from getting too close.
3. Invest in a Mosquito Magnet Or Mosquito Trap
These devices have the power to reduce the mosquito population over an entire acre of land.
The device emits a continuous carbon dioxide stream from the burning propane, which is extremely attractive to mosquitoes. The equipment kills mosquitoes by sucking them into a net as they approach it.
4. Include Easy-to-Grow Mosquito Repelling Plants In Your Yard
There are many flowers, herbs, and plants that naturally repel mosquitoes. We just must know the right one for keeping away mosquitos from home.
Several of these helpful plants include:
Horsemint is a drought-resistant, quickly growing plant that grows to a maximum height and breadth of two to three feet. Horsemint thrives in arid, sandy soil and can withstand salinity.
Ageratum, commonly known as floss flowers, emits a smell that mosquitoes find incredibly repulsive. In addition, coumarin, a substance frequently found in commercial insect repellents, is secreted by ageratum plants.
Typically employed as decorative border plants, marigolds also have a pungent odor that some gardeners and mosquitoes find particularly repulsive. Pyrethrum, a substance utilized in insect repellents, is in marigolds.
The plant is known as catnip, which drives cats crazy, and also works effectively to keep mosquitoes away. It has been demonstrated that this plant is especially good at repelling mosquitoes and that, in small areas, it may even be more effective than DEET. However, if you own cats, beware: catnip plants will drive your cat to react to it the same way they do to dried catnip. If you own cats, you might want to choose another plant.
These organic repellents can be grown in your garden or in portable flowerpots, so you can take them everywhere you go.
5. Keep Your Grass Short
Your yard's grass should be kept as short as it will tolerate.
By minimizing the length of grasses, you can reduce the number of areas where mosquitoes can rest and spawn.
Garden beds and ornamental grasses should also be kept clipped since they can serve as a mosquito breeding ground. But, again, this is the situation where expert pesticide treatments are most appropriate.
6. Contact your local Mosquito Control District for large infestations
Mosquitoes love to congregate in large wooded areas, ponds, and lakes. Therefore, you should contact the professionals—your neighborhood Mosquito Control District—instead of attempting to treat these areas yourself.
Although local regulations differ and services are tailored to the site, Mosquito Control frequently sprays for mosquitoes when their population reaches a particular threshold. This is also an intelligent move if a vast number of mosquitoes are infesting your yard.
Make contact around two weeks before your event. It will take some time for Mosquito Control to arrive, do the test, and spray if necessary.
Remember that some conditions must be satisfied before Mosquito Control sprays private property. Even if your mosquito problem doesn't fulfill the criteria, it's still worthwhile to contact.
Remember these mosquito control tips to have a fun-filled summer in your yard and ward against mosquitoes while mosquito season is in full swing.