A bed bug, no one likes to hear those two words. As with most insects, though, if you have a bed bug issue, you'll want to learn how to get rid of bed bugs naturally. So, whether you've discovered one in your home, on your luggage, or hidden in personal items, your initial response is probably to find ways to get rid of those annoying bed bugs.
How to get rid of bed bugs?
Although bed bugs don't carry diseases that could spread, their bites can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable, making them an insect you can't live with. In addition, scratching and rupturing the skin in response to itch from bed bug bites might result in a secondary infection.
In addition to the bites, bed bug populations can grow swiftly if not eradicated. This is why it's crucial to get in touch with a reputable pest control firm as soon as you see any indications of bed bugs.
Below are Six Tips to control Bed Bugs at Home
1. Reduce hiding spots
Anything unnecessary, such as new periodicals and newspapers, should be disposed of. The more objects you can get rid of, the more minor locations bed bugs can hide in a congested home where they have numerous places to hide. Bed bugs are drawn to dark crevices, which gives them a place to hide before emerging to feed, in addition to warmth, blood, and carbon dioxide, in case you're wondering what bed bugs are attracted to.
- Search for any cracks in the baseboards and caulk as necessary.
- Make sure the wallpaper is secure and fixes any wall damage.
- Look for bed insect evidence in wall switches and outlets.
Plastic bins are less likely to encourage infestations if you need storage because bed bugs can hide in cardboard.
Keep accessories and garments off the ground. Items you no longer need should ideally be thrown away or donated, but not before taking care to check that everything is bed bug-free.
2. Clean the infested space
Your expert will probably advise you to keep your sleeping area tidy after performing your initial bed insect examination. Among the ways to do that are:
- Thoroughly mop and vacuum the flooring. Carpet fibers can conceal bed bugs. Cleaning your carpet several times will assist get rid of bed bugs there.
- Once you're done, double bag the vacuum bag in a garbage bag and put it in a trash can.
3. Be mindful of your bed
You might feel queasy and think, "Should I throw out my mattress after a bed bug infestation?" if you notice telltale symptoms of bed bugs on your mattress and linens.
Thankfully, a bed insect infestation does not need you to discard your entire mattress. However, the following are instructions for cleaning your mattress for bed bugs if your expert suggests it:
- Instead, here's off your pillowcases, sheets, mattress cover, and other items, and wash them all in hot water.
- If the manufacturer's instructions permit it, dry the products on a high heat setting.
- Use a plastic bag instead of carrying these items to the washing machine by hand. The plastic bag should be thrown away because it can contain live bed bugs and you don't want to reinfest clean objects.
- To make it harder for bed bugs to hide behind wallpaper or on any window treatments that might come in contact with your bed, pest control experts advise relocating your bed at least six inches away from the wall.
- Bed bugs might hide in the clutter underneath your bed. Check under your bed and remove anything unnecessary. To stop the infestation from spreading, keep everything you wish to keep in the same room.
It takes professional treatment to rid your mattress of bed bugs in the most efficient method. Your pest control professional will advise using specialized encasements (bed-bug-proof covers) to cover your mattress and box spring after treatment. To reduce tearing, make sure they are high-quality and have zippers.
4. Clean all exposed laundry
You can be luring bed bugs if your clothing has been left out in baskets without being put away. Bed bugs might find clean clothing to be an attractive hiding place. Additionally, if bed bugs have established a home in your house, curtains and bedspreads may harbor them.
- Use the highest heat setting the manufacturer permits to wash and dry your garments and bedding. Transport items between rooms in sealed plastic bags, then pack clean items in new bags.
- Put fabric window treatments and hardware in sealed plastic bags after removing and cleaning them, if possible.
- All bed linens, including pillowcases, sheets, comforters, and mattress pads, should be washed and dried at the highest temperatures recommended by the manufacturer. Once clean, seal in plastic bags.
Remember that eliminating bed bugs by just cleaning your laundry is not a foolproof method. To come up with a more detailed and all-encompassing answer to your issue, seek professional advice.
5. Use steam or heat treatment
Bed bugs may be killed if you can subject them to intense heat. Bed linens might therefore benefit from steam cleaning or ironing. However, please read the label first to ensure it is possible without harming the object.
However, this is only effective against insects that are found in areas that can be heated. Most of their hiding locations are impossible to steam clean or iron. Professional pest control businesses may heat-treat entire residences to assist manage a bed bug infestation.
6. Give the experts access
What eradicates bedbugs? Professionals in pest management. Please give them your complete cooperation and make sure they have access to areas around furniture, on the walls, and in closets. They ought to, after that, be able to handle your bed insect problem successfully.
Don't wait for the issue to get out of control. You need a skilled professional to rapidly detect the pests and discover indicators of infestation-if you want to help rid of bed bugs.
However, you may help prevent the spread of bed bugs by regularly examining your room for signs of bed bugs, checking your baggage and clothing while traveling, and keeping your room clear of mounds of stuff where they can hide.